May 18, 2024 8:39 AM
Confirm Your Email Address for My Cold Stone Club
Confirm your email to complete the creation of your My Cold Stone Club account.
Confirm your email to create your My Cold Stone Club account
Once you've confirmed your email address, you'll be the newest member of the My Cold Stone Club.
Why do I have to confirm my email?
Before we get started, we just need
May 18, 2024 8:39 AM
Confirm Your Email Address for My Cold Stone Club
Confirm your email to complete the creation of your My Cold Stone Club account.
Confirm your email to create your My Cold Stone Club account
Once you've confirmed your email address, you'll be the newest member of the My Cold Stone Club.
Why do I have to confirm my email?
Before we get started, we just need
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"></head><body style="background-color:#f5f5f5; color:#555555; font-family:Helvetica,Sans-serif"><table width="600px" align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tbody><tr><td><table width="100%" style="text-align:left"><tbody><tr><td height="10" style="height:10px"></td></tr><tr><td width="100" style="line-height:36px; font-size:22px; text-align:center; width:100px"><img src="" width="100" height="100" style="width:100px; height:100px; border-radius:10px"> </td><td width="20" style=""></td><td width="480" style="line-height:28px; font-size:22px; width:480px"><b>Confirm your email to create your My Cold Stone Club account</b> </td></tr><tr><td height="10" style="height:10px"></td></tr></tbody></table><table width="100%" style="border:1px solid #eeeeee; background-color:#ffffff; padding:40px; text-align:left"><tbody><tr><td style="line-height:22px; font-size:16px">Once you've confirmed your email address, you'll be the newest member of the <b>My Cold Stone Club</b>. </td></tr><tr><td height="20" style="height:20px"></td></tr><tr><td><table width="100%" style="width:100%; text-align:center"><tbody><tr><td width="25%" style="width:25%"> </td><td width="50%" style="width:50%; border-radius:3px; background-color:#000000; color:#ffffff; padding:15px; letter-spacing:1px"><a href="#" style="text-decoration:none; color:#ffffff; letter-spacing:1px">CONFIRM EMAIL</a> </td><td width="25%" style="width:25%"> </td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr><tr><td height="40" style="height:40px"></td></tr><tr><td><span style="font-size:20px; line-height:22px">Why do I have to confirm my email? </span></td></tr><tr><td height="15" style="height:15px"></td></tr><tr><td style="line-height:22px">Before we get started, we just need to confirm this is you. This improves account security, and ensures you can recover your account if you forget your password. </td></tr><tr><td height="15" style="height:15px"></td></tr><tr><td style="line-height:22px">Once your email is confirmed your Spendgo log in is created which can be used to sign in to My Cold Stone Club and any other brands within the <a href="#" alt="" style="color:#555555">Spendgo network</a>. </td></tr><tr><td height="15" style="height:15px"></td></tr><tr><td style="line-height:22px">If you didn't request this email, there's nothing to worry about - you can safely ignore it. </td></tr><tr><td height="15" style="height:15px"></td></tr><tr><td><span style="font-size:12px; color:#aaaaaa; font-style:italic">This link will expire in 24 hours. </span></td></tr></tbody></table><table width="100%" style="text-align:center; color:#777777"><tbody><tr><td height="20" style="height:20px"></td></tr><tr><td style="line-height:18px; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; color:#777777">My Cold Stone Club </td></tr><tr><td style="line-height:18px; font-size:12px; color:#aaaaaa; font-weight:bold">Powered by <a href="#" style="text-decoration:underline; color:#aaaaaa">Spendgo</a> </td></tr><tr><td height="20" style="height:20px"></td></tr><tr><td style="line-height:18px; font-size:10px; color:#aaaaaa">To ensure delivery of your account notifications, add <a href="#" style="text-decoration:underline; color:#aaaaaa"></a> to your address book. </td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table><img alt="" src="" style="display:none; width:1px; height:1px"> </body></html>